Sunday, January 22, 2012

Ten Percent

Yahoo! We're 10% of the way to our goal of $2000!

Here's how we're saving: ALL UNEXPECTED MONEY goes in the Disney jar!
This includes;
monies from toys and things around the house we are selling (instead of just handing off to a thrift store & big thank you to FB local selling groups & eBay!)

half of everything I earn from photography sessions, Thirty-One & Uppercase Living

"jobs" that Brion gets paid for, this includes honorariums from weddings, and fees he receives for helping out as backstage director for the local dance company (this gig paid for the upgrades to our iPhone 4s's last year!)

REBATES I've already added some rebates from 2011 into the jar. I love rebates. And I mean I loooooooove rebates!! Normally rebates would just go right back into the grocery budget they came out of... but I am always so excited when I get them even though I was expecting them, they are like unexpected monies! I will also be making a better effort to purchase items that are for money making rebates that I might have passed up before.

Here is how we've earned our first 10%.

Yep! That's is $216.09 towards DISNEYLAND 2013! That is also $216.09 that did not come out of our budget, did not impact our lives and took just a wee bit of effort to earn. Here's to 90% more that way!

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